Latest hill records:
2024-10-06: | HS 43 | Kranj, Gorenja Sava | |
41.0 m | Vita Maček | ||
2024-10-06: | HS 43 | Kranj, Gorenja Sava | |
41.0 m | Vita Maček | ||
2024-10-06: | HS 68 | Meinerzhagen, Meinhardus-Schanzen | |
69.0 m | Radu Borca | ||
2024-10-05: | K 27 | Lomnice nad Popelkou, V Popelkach | |
23.0 m | Eliška Kvasničková | ||
2024-09-29: | HS 23 | Frenštát pod Radhoštěm, Skokanský areál Jiřího Rašky | |
19.5 m | Justyna Niemczyk |
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Latest comments:
Ski Jumps: Kitzbühel (Schattberg) wrote on 2024-10-01 at 19:23:@frizz
Maybe you could send the results?
Ski Jumps: Kitzbühel (Schattberg)
frizz wrote on 2024-10-01 at 11:12:neuer schanzenrekord!!!
heuer im frühjahr wurde auf der k38 ein neuer schanzenrekord gesprungen!!
bitte aktuallisieren!!
Ski Jumps: Wola Hankowska
krystof adamek wrote on 2024-09-30 at 11:35:Yess
Finally best hill has been added
Ski Jumps: Nozawa Onsen
Krystof wrote on 2024-09-28 at 11:47:K55
K55 was used this winter for competitions, rest is out of order
Ski Jumps: Nýdek
Krystof wrote on 2024-09-11 at 09:01:Out of order
Theye hills are out of order, K40 is devastated the inrun wood is rotten and needs to be repaired. And homoligation expiried and wont get new till renovation. Also they used K25 but there also expired homoligation and probably wont jump this year and maybe next summer but no one cares and interests about the hills in the club mostly
Ski Jumps: Nové Město na Moravě (Na Šibenici)
Kryštof Adámek wrote on 2024-10-07 at 16:33:K15
The hill is now finished, it will host copmetitons this weekend along the K28 and K53, but its not K15 its K9. I hope i get some photos of it in neartime. here is whole program if someone wants to see