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Hill Size: HS 134
K-Point: 120 m
Men Longest jump: 143.0 m (Severin Freund GER, 2015-02-28, WSC)
Men Winter Hill record: 135.5 m (Severin Freund GER, 2015-02-26, WSC)
Tower height: 52 m
Inrun length: 98.63 m
Inrun angle: 35°
Take-off length: 6.72 m
Take-off angle: 11.1°
Take-off height: 3 m
Speed: 95.2 km/h
Landing angle: 33.2°
Hill certificate: Hill certificate
Plastic matting: no
Conversions: 2013
Coordinates: 60.620850, 15.663802 Google Maps OpenStreetMap
K120 (2013-...)K115 (1992-2007)K112 (1972-1991)


Hill Size: HS 100
K-Point: 90 m
Men Winter Hill record: 105.5 m (Sander Vossan Eriksen NOR, 2018-11-18, Norge)
Men Summer Hill record: 104.0 m (Peter Frenette USA, 2010-09-26, FIS)
Women Winter Hill record: 98.5 m (Sarah Hendrickson USA, 2015-02-22, WSC-MIX)
Women Summer Hill record: 102.0 m (Daniela Iraschko-Stolz AUT, 2010-09-26, L-COC)
Tower height: 22 m
Inrun length: 87.27 m
Inrun angle: 35°
Take-off length: 6.37 m
Take-off angle: 10.6°
Take-off height: 2.25 m
Speed: 88.5 km/h
Landing angle: 32.5°
Hill certificate: Hill certificate
Plastic matting: no
Conversions: 2013
Coordinates: 60.620604, 15.663105 Google Maps OpenStreetMap
K90 (2013-...)K90 (1992-2012)K89 (1972-1991)

Lugnet ungdomshoppbackarna:

K-Point: 35 m
Further jumps: K4
Status: project not realized
Coordinates: 60.619521, 15.660915 Google Maps OpenStreetMap
K-Point: 15 m
Plastic matting: no
Year of construction: 2015
K-Point: 8 m
Plastic matting: yes
Year of construction: 2015
Conversions: 2021
Further jumps: no
Spectator capacity: 15,000
Year of construction: 1972
Conversions: 1992, 2012-2013
Status: operating
Ski club: Holmens IF
Coordinates: 60.620850, 15.663802 Google Maps OpenStreetMap

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Every year the „Svenska Skidspelen“ take place around Lugnet with competitions in the Nordic disciplines. With the Swedish ski games they wanted to follow the tournaments at Holmenkollen (since 1898) and Lahti (since 1923). In 1947 they took place for a first time at Sundsvall, then later the moved to Falun.
Both ski jumps at Lugnet were built for the Ski WSC 1974, the last profound conversion was before the WC in 1993 and now both jumps even have a porcelain inrun trail. But people’s interest in ski jumping declined and for some years there haven’t been World Cup competitions at Riksskid­stadion anymore. While the plastic covered 90 meter hill is still used several times a year, the K115 is closed.
For the Nordic WSC in 2015 which are hosted at Falun, the whole ski stadium will be rebuild. Additionally for around 1.7m Euro new junior jumping hills K60, K35, K15 and K10 shall be constructed. The works on the ski jumps for modernization and conversion onto K120 (HS 134) and K90 (HS 100) have started in summer 2012 and was completed by January 2014. The official inauguration was held with Swedish Championships on February 7 and 8, 2014 and in end of February and March 2014 there were also Pre-WSC World Cups. After the WSC the three new junior hills K35, K15 and K8 were also built in end 2015.

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Hill records K120 (Men):

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Hill records K90 (Men):

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Hill records K90 (Women):

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14)   Kryštof Adámek   wrote on 2023-11-18 at 17:40:


There were hold Nogres cup today on K90 and Elite Male Won Anders Sandberg Håre, Elite Female won Kjersti Graesli, Menn A won Karl Haugen Kleppa, Menn B won Rasmus Kittelsen

13)   Fan   wrote on 2015-03-08 at 11:36:

New hill list records Falun{Lugnet} K90/HS100:
02.20.2015r:Andreas Wellinger GER 91,0m WM
:Gregor Deschwanden SUI 92,0m WM
:Anders Bardal NOR 92,0m WM
:Simon Ammann SUI 93,5m WM
02.21.2015r:Janne Ahonen FIN 93,5m WM
:Klemens Muranka POL 95,5m WM
:Taku Takeuchi JPN 95,5m WM
:Rune Velta NOR 95,5m WM
:Severin Freund GER 95,5m WM
:Severin Freund GER 96,0m WM
02.22.2015r:Severin Freund GER 97,0m WM/Mix .

12)   Marco   wrote on 2015-02-23 at 19:11:

offizieller Rekord auf der HS 100: Severin Freund 97,0 m (22.02.2015 Mixed-Team)

11)   Mike   wrote on 2014-12-26 at 19:28:

Lugnet HS100

Ladies records

2x ladies Continental Cup competition and one ladies World cup competition is jumped Lugnet HS100

10)   Bernd Schweinberger   wrote on 2014-03-09 at 18:26:


Allergrößten Respekt für Eure Arbeit. Gratuliere!

9)   Sheldon   wrote on 2014-03-04 at 13:31:

Viel Arbeit, ich denke das Ergebnis kann sich sehen lassen. Aber der Untergrund ist aus Schotter? Das das stabil sein soll kann ich mir gar nicht vorstellen... Aber trotzdem schöne Schanze geworden! Jetzt bräuchten die Schweden nur mal wieder ein paar Jugendspringer!

8)   Luis Holuch   wrote on 2014-02-26 at 19:36:


Die beiden Rekorde von Stoch und Ammann sind deshalb Schanzenrekorde, weil sie die Bestweiten auf der neuen Anlage sind. Hautamäkis Weite stammt ja noch aus den Zeiten des alten Lugnet-Bakkens.

7)   Cire   wrote on 2014-02-26 at 19:24:

Wieso sollen die beiden 129,5m-Sprünge von Stoch und Ammann Schanzenrekorde gewesen sein? Hautamäki war vorher schon 130,5m gesprungen.

6)   Maxi.ESB   wrote on 2014-02-03 at 17:57:

Ich finde die Schanze sollte einen Preis bekommen:
Die Hässlichste Schanze der Welt!!!

5)   Emil   wrote on 2013-08-29 at 10:10:

Teraz skocznia w Falun na być chyba K-120 HS-134. Tak przynajmniej jest w kalendarzu na stronie FIS, a po tym igelicie widać że HS jest 14 m dalej niż punkt K.

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