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K-Point: 45 m
Men Winter Hill record: 51.5 m (Gregor Schlierenzauer AUT)
Plastic matting: no
Status: destroyed
Hill Size: HS 42
K-Point: 38 m
Men Winter Hill record: 44.5 m (Georg Gasser AUT, 2015)
Men Summer Hill record: 44.0 m (Aaron Hochenegg AUT, 2024-06-08)
Women Winter Hill record: 40.0 m (Timna Moser AUT, 2013-02-13)
40.0 m (Elena Gruber AUT, 2013-02-17)
Women Summer Hill record: 41.5 m (Eva-Maria Holzer AUT, 2022-07-02)
41.5 m (Eva-Maria Holzer AUT, 2022-07-02)
Hill certificate: Hill certificate
Conversions: 2011
Coordinates: 47.438536, 12.384584 Google Maps OpenStreetMap
Further jumps: K17, K10
Plastic matting: yes
Year of construction: 1975
Conversions: 2006/2007
Status: operating
Ski club: Kitzbüheler S.C.
Coordinates: 47.438536, 12.384584 Google Maps OpenStreetMap

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Until 1940’s Kitzbühel was known as an important center of ski jumping. Already in 1907 the first Austrian championships took place there. The competitions of German and Austrian championships in 1925 were hosted on the new constructed Grub-Schanze. Ernst Reisch and Balthasar Egger from Kitzbühel opened this large tournament with a double-jump. Winner of that time was Norway’s Ole Reistad of Oberharzer SC at Sonneberg with a best distance of 49 meters.
In September 1929 Burgstallschanze was built up and already in 1930 the inauguration competition was held on the new constructed bakken: the international skiing championships were held at Kitzbühel. Kitzbühel even nearly became host of German-Austrian Ski Jumpers Tournament, but then in 1952 Burgstall-Schanze was completely destroyed y a heavy landslide.
After the attempt to reactivate Grubschanze failed in 1966-67, two new ski jumping hills K45 and K35 were constructed at Schattberg with the support of local businessman Erwin Steidl.
In 2006/2007 two small plastic covered youth hills were constructed additionally to existing K45 and K35 hills. They were opened by Toni Innauer in 2007.
The medium-sized winter hill was replaced by a new plastic covered 38 meter hill with ceramic inrun trail in 2011 and an funicular as well as a 4-storey functional building were built for around 1 million Euro.

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Hill records K38 (Men):

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Hill records K38 (Women):

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6)   wrote on 2024-10-01 at 19:23:


Maybe you could send the results?

5)   frizz   wrote on 2024-10-01 at 11:12:

neuer schanzenrekord!!!

heuer im frühjahr wurde auf der k38 ein neuer schanzenrekord gesprungen!!
bitte aktuallisieren!!

4)   frizz   wrote on 2024-08-24 at 11:19:

neuer schanzenrekord

heuer im frühjahr wurde auf der k38 ein neuer schanzenrekord gesprungen!!
bitte aktuallisieren!!

3)   Victor   wrote on 2019-09-03 at 16:31:

Its Victor.
I have a question .
How far from Honel Chalet Alpina to your hill?

2)   Max Clary   wrote on 2018-02-22 at 22:04:

wir sind eine truppe von c. 12 leuten die gerne am wochenende vom 7.4. skispringen wollen. wir sind alle sehr gute skifahrer ohne skisprungerfahrubg. geht das bei ihnen? danke

1)   Marco   wrote on 2013-02-22 at 19:40:

wenn Du Dominik Terzer als derzeitiger Rekordhalter der K38 hinschreibst, dann bitte nur einmal. Egal, wie oft er die 44,0 m an dem Tag gesprungen ist

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