Latest hill records:
2024-10-12: | HS 142 | Garmisch-Partenkirchen, Große Olympiaschanze | |
N-GER | 132.5 m | Katharina Schmid | |
2024-10-12: | HS 142 | Garmisch-Partenkirchen, Große Olympiaschanze | |
N-GER | 143.5 m | Andreas Wellinger | |
2024-10-06: | HS 43 | Kranj, Gorenja Sava | |
41.0 m | Vita Maček | ||
2024-10-06: | HS 43 | Kranj, Gorenja Sava | |
41.0 m | Vita Maček | ||
2024-10-06: | HS 68 | Meinerzhagen, Meinhardus-Schanzen | |
69.0 m | Radu Borca |
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Latest comments:
Ski Jumps: Gaylord (Snow Valley)
Kryštof Adámek wrote on 2024-10-12 at 20:27:interesting
this hill is in most beautiful city name
Ski Jumps: Nové Město na Moravě (Na Šibenici)
Kryštof Adámek wrote on 2024-10-07 at 16:33:K15
The hill is now finished, it will host copmetitons this weekend along the K28 and K53, but its not K15 its K9. I hope i get some photos of it in neartime. here is whole program if someone wants to see
Ski Jumps: Kitzbühel (Schattberg) wrote on 2024-10-01 at 19:23:@frizz
Maybe you could send the results?
Ski Jumps: Kitzbühel (Schattberg)
frizz wrote on 2024-10-01 at 11:12:neuer schanzenrekord!!!
heuer im frühjahr wurde auf der k38 ein neuer schanzenrekord gesprungen!!
bitte aktuallisieren!!
Ski Jumps: Wola Hankowska
krystof adamek wrote on 2024-09-30 at 11:35:Yess
Finally best hill has been added
Ski Jumps: Gaylord (Snow Valley)
Kryštof Adámek wrote on 2024-10-12 at 21:00:8000 hills
the archive is just 2 hills away so some celebration :D happy to have some of my findings in here, mainly Wola Hankowska