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Iola Nordic Centre

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Chester Krause Jump:

K-Point: 60 m
Men Winter Hill record: 67.5 m (Willy Schott USA, 2007)
Women Winter Hill record: 36.5 m (Jessi Gessner USA, 2015-02-08)
Tower height: 40.5 m
Inrun angle: 33.5°
Take-off height: 1.82 m
Plastic matting: no
Year of construction: 1996
Coordinates: 44.538793, -89.209640 Google Maps OpenStreetMap

Milt Aasen Jump:

K-Point: 40 m
Men Winter Hill record: 46.5 m (Jack Gasienica USA, 1994-01-30)
Plastic matting: no
Coordinates: 44.539065, -89.209400 Google Maps OpenStreetMap

Norseman Hills:

K-Point: 25 m
Men Summer Hill record: 29.0 m (James Cady USA, 2009-05-31)
Women Winter Hill record: 19.0 m (Raya Krueger USA, 2016-01-30)
Women Summer Hill record: 18.0 m (Ashley Hannah USA, 2015-10-31)
Plastic matting: yes
Coordinates: 44.539129, -89.209137 Google Maps OpenStreetMap

Denny Matson Jump:

K-Point: 10 m
Men Winter Hill record: 10.5 m (Ben Matson USA, 2003-01-02)
Women Winter Hill record: 8.0 m (Cassidy Hannah USA, 2016-01-30)
Plastic matting: no
Coordinates: 44.538417, -89.207827 Google Maps OpenStreetMap

Jim Cady Jump:

K-Point: 5 m
Men Summer Hill record: 4.5 m (William Cady USA, 2009-05-31)
Women Winter Hill record: 5.0 m (Anna Krafft USA, 2016-01-30)
Plastic matting: yes
Coordinates: 44.538493, -89.207924 Google Maps OpenStreetMap
Further jumps: no
Year of construction: 1984
Conversions: 1995
Status: operating
Ski club: Iola Winter Sports Club
Coordinates: 44.538793, -89.209640 Google Maps OpenStreetMap

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1910 was the year of the founding of the Iola Winter Sports Club and since this club has been belong to the ones in Wisconsin fancying ski jumping. In the history of the ski club, there were many ski jumps that were built over different periods of time. In 1910, the first ski jumping hill was set up with School House Ski Hill. Then, in 1911 the new jumping hills Slaughterhouse Hill and Fleck’s Hill in Scandinavia were constructed. In 1914 Knutson Hill, which allowed jumps of more than 20 m, was built. In 1942 a storm destroyed the inrun tower of the Gale Wreck New Hope Slide, which had only been built in the same year. Since 1949/50 Hogback Hill had been jumped on for a long time, until the K45 and K25 ski jumps at Norseman Hill were set up in 1983/84.
The Norseman Hills, which are located in Qupaca County northwest of Iola, were said to have been the most modern junior hills in the U.S. at that time! In 1994/95 the facility was renovated and K10 and K5 at the opposite hill were added. All these jumps always had very individually constructed wooden inrun towers. The 1996 constructed large K60 consists of a strange and unique steel construction: the pipes of the tower are stuck together and supported by steel ropes at the sides.
The last constructional changes made were the covering with plastic mattings of K25 in summer 2004 and K5 in 2008.

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Hill records K25 (Women):

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1)   don kolanowski   wrote on 2015-01-16 at 01:47:

are there times when the public can come and watch jumpers?

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