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Bakke Hill:

K-Point: 100 m
Men Longest jump: 107.0 m (351 ft) (Adrian Watt USA, 1970-02-28)
Men Winter Hill record: 103.6 m (345 ft) (Greg Swor USA, 1970-02-28)
Further jumps: K70, K45, K18
Year of construction: 1933
Conversions: 1939, 1950, 1959
Status: destroyed
Coordinates: 47.614151, -120.673435 Google Maps OpenStreetMap

Leavenworth Ski Jump:

K-Point: 20 m
Men Winter Hill record: 19.8 m (65 ft) (Sigried Hansen NOR, 1929)
Year of construction: 1928
Operating until: 1933
Status: destroyed

Leavenworth Ski Hill:

K-Point: 27 m
Further jumps: K15
Year of construction: 2009
Status: operating
Coordinates: 47.615467, -120.668498 Google Maps OpenStreetMap
Further jumps: no
Plastic matting: no
Ski club: Leavenworth WSC
Coordinates: 47.614151, -120.673435 Google Maps OpenStreetMap

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Leavenworth Winter Sports Club was founded in 1928 and ski jumping had been part of the club life from the beginning on.
Bacause a smaller ski jump had already been existing, on which Sigried Hansen jumped 65 feet (20 m) at the first competition in 1929, Bakke Hill was built up in 1933 and with its critical point of 73 m it was one of the largest ski jumps of the whole country. Over the decades it was existing, it was enlarged several times and gained a good reputation as the most known ski jump in western United States through the hosting of the U.S. American championships in 1941, 1959, 1967, 1974 and 1978.
End of 1970’s the interest in ski jump at Leavenworth declined heavily and other new-built large hill ski jumps like Steamboat Springs, Iron Mountain and the flying hill at Ironwood were preferred to Leavenworth.
The most famous ski jumper from Leavenworth is former United States Olympic team member Ron Steele who was the best placed American jumper in the 1972 Sapporo, Japan Olympics.
Nevertheless, the ski club tried a restart from 1986 to ’88 with the planned new-construction of a K40 and K25 ski jumping hill. Unfortunately this activity did not lead into a long-lasting ski jumping tradition as it was in the past.
For the winter sports season 2009/2010 another attempt to revive ski jumping in Leavenworth was made and on January 31, 2010 the first “Bakke Cup” with competitions for children in alpine skiing, ski jumping and cross-country was organized.

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14)   Stephanie   wrote on 2021-01-28 at 23:37:

Childhood Memories

I used to live in the lodge as a child. I remember watching and hearing the ice sliced as the skiers landed right outside the kitchen windows. I remember lots of fun sled & snowmobile riding and lots of coal shoveling! Wonderful memories of the beautiful city of Leavenworth and have been back to visit a few times.

13)   randy hanson   wrote on 2020-12-29 at 18:41:

My grand father is Sigurd Hansen and his son my dad was Harold Hanson who once held the record on the B hill. I was at the 1962 trials for the winter games. I remember a chinook came in and most of the snow melted. My dad took me to the top of the hill to the take off that day and it was then i decided these guys are crazy and told my dad that was not interested in learning to ski jump!

12)   wrote on 2020-04-22 at 09:32:

@John W. Lundin

Thanks for your request!
You can always look up the copyright for the certain photos by clicking on them and then the right owner is displayed below the photo. Most of the historic photos come from:
Maybe this is going to help you.

11)   John W. Lundin   wrote on 2020-04-18 at 21:45:

Book on Ski Jumping in Washington

I am working on a joint exhibit on ski jumping with the National Nordic Museum and Washington State Ski & Snowboard Museum, that will open at the Nordic Museum January 2021. I am also writing a book, History of Ski Jumping in Washington, the Influence of Norwegians on Northwest Skiing, that will be a centerpiece of the exhibit. I would like to use some of these historic photos. Please contact me if these are yours or you have other pictures. Thanks.

10)   Brian   wrote on 2019-07-13 at 22:34:

I am scanning the Gehring slide/pic archives to digitize and save some history, and have some good ski jumping pics. Will post more soon, but am wondering if anyone can clarify the timeline of hill construction. When was the big elevated run-out built up, and when were the B and C jumps moved from the south side of the A hill to the north side?
Also would love to have some copies of the pics that you have, Barb Knapp.

9)   John   wrote on 2018-07-26 at 13:19:

Packed the outrun

I grew up in Leavenworth and learned how to ski there and at Stevens pass when I could shovel enough roofs in the winter time to make the lift ticket price. I remember watching many competitions in the 70's including some of my 1978 classmates. I "packed" the outrun several times during my high school (back when it was the Grizzly's) to early 20's years. Competition had stopped but there were still young men that wanted to be able to jump who took the "ride". The D hill, the one behind the "lodge", was the place most young guys started out. Clarence Ostella was one of the instructors for a time while his son Chris jumped. They would travel to Revelstoke, iron mountain, and several other locations for competition. They transitioned from the D hill to the C hill and would attempt the A hill if they got bold enough to try it. Unfortunately it was closed due to becoming unsafe over the years of neglect. Great memories, great fun, great childhood county!

8)   Marv   wrote on 2018-06-06 at 21:50:

traveler/ downhill racer

Grew up 50 miles from Iron Mt. Michigan, the spot of the world's largest manmade ski jump.Wakefield has the largest ski flying jump in the world, but Ishpeming, MI just 20 miles from Marquette on Lake Superior, has Suicide Hill, which is still hosting world comps as well as Iron Mt. Check out the NATIONAL SKI HALL OF FAME in Ishpeming.cu6/19.

7)   Frank   wrote on 2018-02-13 at 19:36:

Jumped in 1959-1961

I was on the Wenatchee High Ski Team and jumped on the "C" jump between 1959-1961. I still have my old wooden 96 inch Kongsberg jumping skis with bear-trap bindings.

6)   Wes Sauer   wrote on 2016-12-18 at 21:06:

Original photographs from ski hill

I have inherited film negatives that my grandfather or uncle shot at the ski hill. Most appear to be taken between 1930 - 1945. I am considering how to make the most of these and other Leavenworth area photos.

5)   Deb Cuyle   wrote on 2016-12-15 at 21:12:

old pics needed

I am writing a book about Leavenworth and the Cascades and would LOVE to include some never seen before photos of Leavenworth and the old ski jumps! Barb Knapp you state you G Pa left you some and wanted to know if anyone was interested. Yes, me! Can I use a few in my book? Proper credit to you and your Grandpa of course! Thanks-Deborah Cuyle

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