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Chiemgau Arena

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Große Zirmbergschanze:

Hill Size: HS 128
K-Point: 115 m
Men Winter Hill record: 133.0 m (Ronny Ackermann GER, 2005-01-01, NC-WC)
Inrun length: 97 m
Inrun angle: 34°
Take-off length: 6.6 m
Take-off angle: 10.5°
Take-off height: 2.9 m
Speed: 91.8 km/h
Landing angle: 34.8°
Hill certificate: Hill certificate
Conversions: 1999
Status: out of order
Coordinates: 47.712952, 12.644306 Google Maps OpenStreetMap
K115 (1999-...)K107 (1980-1999)K86 (1961-1980)

Toni Plenk-Schanze:

Hill Size: HS 100
K-Point: 90 m
Men Winter Hill record: 104.0 m (Luca Roth GER, 2016-03-05)
Inrun length: 85.6 m
Inrun angle: 34°
Take-off length: 6.25 m
Take-off angle: 10.5°
Take-off height: 2.25 m
Speed: 84.96 km/h
Landing angle: 34.5°
Hill certificate: Hill certificate
Year of construction: 1967
Conversions: 1980, 1999
Status: out of order
Coordinates: 47.713075, 12.644595 Google Maps OpenStreetMap


K-Point: 65 m
Men Winter Hill record: 74.5 m (Fabian Mohrweiser GER, 2006-03-18)
Women Winter Hill record: 70.0 m (Luisa Görlich GER, 2015-03-14)
Hill certificate: Hill certificate
Year of construction: 1981
Conversions: 1999
Coordinates: 47.713335, 12.644848 Google Maps OpenStreetMap
Hill Size: HS 45
K-Point: 40 m
Men Winter Hill record: 45.5 m (Janis Morweiser GER, 2003-03-15)
45.5 m (Sebastian Schwarz GER, 2017-03-05)
Men Summer Hill record: 46.5 m (Miłosz Malarz POL, 2022-10-09)
Women Winter Hill record: 42.0 m (Trine Göpfert GER, 2017-03-05)
Women Summer Hill record: 44.5 m (Tia Kodrnja SLO, 2017-07-23)
Hill certificate: Hill certificate
Plastic matting: yes
Year of construction: 1981
Conversions: 1996, 2002
Coordinates: 47.713457, 12.645055 Google Maps OpenStreetMap
K-Point: 20 m
Men Winter Hill record: 21.5 m (Lorenz Wegscheider GER, 2007-02-03)
Men Summer Hill record: 21.5 m (Simon Steinbeißer GER, 2014-06-07)
Women Summer Hill record: 19.0 m (Christina Feicht GER, 2017-06-25)
Hill certificate: Hill certificate
Plastic matting: yes
Year of construction: 1986
Conversions: 2000
Coordinates: 47.713693, 12.645271 Google Maps OpenStreetMap
K-Point: 10 m
Plastic matting: no
Year of construction: 2023
Status: operating
Coordinates: 47.713776, 12.645416 Google Maps OpenStreetMap
Further jumps: no
Plastic matting: no
Year of construction: 1961
Conversions: 1980, 1999
Status: operating
Ski club: Ski-Club Ruhpolding
Coordinates: 47.712952, 12.644306 Google Maps OpenStreetMap

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Already from 1920’s on there were several ski jumping hills at Ruhpolding in Chiemgau. In December 1961 the construction of a new large hill jump at Zirmberg was started based by SC Ruhpolding on the initiative of Toni Plenk, which was preceded by almost 10 years of location search and planning. Already in February 1962 the K86 natural ski jump was completed for a total of 150,000 DM. The first hill record was set up by Helmut Wegscheider with 82 m during trial jumping.
The official inaugural event was held with an international competition on March 2, 1962. Dino de Zordo from Italy won and Piotr Wala from Poland set the hill record of 91 meters. In 1963 the German Championships were organized with an audience of around 20,000 spectators and again Wegscheider set up a new hill record of 101 meters. Further highlights were the Kongsberg Cup competition in March 1963 and the pre-Olympic training camp of several national teams in the same year.
With Chiemgau Championships on 1968-01-20/21 the new 70 meter normal jumping hill was opened. Russian guest jumper Vecheslav Drjagan jump a first hill record of 79.5 metes. The ski jump is named after Toni Plenk, SC Ruhpolding club legend and main initiator and visionary of the ski jumping facility at Zirmberg, who passed away in 1974. Plenk also wanted to build a medium-sized training hill with an ice-cooled inrun track, which would be ready already in Novembers for pre-season jumping, but this was never realized.
In 1980 both Zirmbergschanzen were new-profiled as K107 and K90, and one year later the junior hills K50 and K36 were constructed. In 1982 the old wooden judges tower from 1962 was replaced by a concrete structure and in 1986 the 20 meter jump was added. The last major conversion took place in 1999, when the larger ski jumping hills were enlarged into HS 128 (K115) and HS 100 (K90). The K20 was covered with plastic mattings in 1999-2000 and the K40 in 2002. Additionally, in 2004 a ski lift was installed.
Only one ski jumping World Cup event was organized on “Große Zirmberg­schanze” on 1992-12-13, which was won by Stefan Zünd from Switzerland. World Cups of Nordic Combined were hosted from 2005 to 2007 and, of course, Chiem­gau-Arena at Ruhpolding is famous for Biathlon competitions. The large and normal hills are out of operation now.

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Hill records K115 (Men):

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Hill records K90 (Men):

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Hill records K40 (Men):

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Hill records K40 (Women):

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Hill records K20 (Men):

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Hill records K20 (Women):

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14)   Frank Wolfgang   wrote on 2022-01-25 at 17:04:

Schanzenrekord Maiergsewendt Srungschanze

Da ich als Ruhpoldinger geb. 1946 schon mit 10 Jahren immer
bei Springen an der Schanze war kann ich genau sagen wann der
Schanzenrekord gesprungen wurde. Es wa am 3.1. 1951 bei einem Sylvester Springen Xaver Diener mit 61 Meter. 1958 wurde ein Stahlanlaufturm errichtet. Beim Eröffnungspringen sprang dann Helmut Wegscheider auch 61 M. In der Traunsteiner vom 5.1. 1951 ist ein Bericht vorhanden.

13)   Artur   wrote on 2018-03-29 at 13:51:

@Eberhard Jurgalski

Record of Tia Kodrnja is available now.

12)   Eberhard Jurgalski   wrote on 2018-03-29 at 12:18:

Tia confirming record

Here the official list, please correct now! Thanks!

11)   Eberhard Jurgalski   wrote on 2018-03-27 at 20:43:

44,5 m Tia

These results (including the hill record) are not noted in the FIS tables, does anybody know why?

10)   Eberhard Jurgalski   wrote on 2018-03-27 at 20:17:

Tia Kodrnja

Tia jumped 44,5 m on July 23th, 2017, so she has now the summer record...

9)   Martina Steinbeißer   wrote on 2018-01-10 at 14:18:

Frauenrekord K20: am 25.06.2017 im Rahmen der Mini-Tournee sprang Christina Feicht vom WSV Kiefersfelden 19m

8)   Julian Holz   wrote on 2017-03-08 at 23:23:

K90 und K115 außer Betrieb

Die beiden großen Schanzen sind laut dem SC Ruhpolding wegen zu hohen Kosten außer Betrieb

7)   Marco   wrote on 2015-09-08 at 21:43:

Sommerrekord der Herren auf der K40 Schanze: Stas Santelj (SLO) sprang am 26.07.2015 beim FIS-Schüler-Grand-Pix im Teamspringen (Schüler S13) 44,5 m. Auch einen Damenrekord wurde auf der selben Anlage erzielt: Sophie Kothbauer (AUT) sprang am 26.07.2015 im Teamspringen (Schüler S13) 41,5 m.

6)   Marco   wrote on 2015-01-24 at 00:55:

Der Rekord auf der Toni Plenk-Schanze ist falsch! Sebastian Bradatsch (GER) sprang im Rahmen des Deutschlandpokals am 08.01.2012 103,0 m.;art83537,1863273

5)   Steinbeißer Martina   wrote on 2014-08-19 at 19:36:


Der Rekord auf der K20m-Schanze wurde bestätigt.
Am 07.06.2014 sprang Simon Steinbeißer vom Skiclub Ruhpolding 21,5 m beim Finale der Mini-Vierschanzentournee.

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