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AUTAUT-STRamsau am Dachstein


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Hill Size: HS 98
K-Point: 90 m
Men Longest jump: 104.5 m (Jarl Magnus Riiber NOR, 2017-12-17, NC-WC)
Men Winter Hill record: 102.5 m (Jonas Schuster AUT, 2021-12-12)
Men Summer Hill record: 100.5 m (Gregor Schlierenzauer AUT, 2006-10-14, N-AUT)
Women Winter Hill record: 102.0 m (Sara Takanashi JPN, 2011-02-20, COC)
Women Winter Official hill record: 96.0 m (Marita Kramer AUT, 2020-12-18, WC)
96.0 m (Nika Križnar SLO, 2021-12-17, WC)
Women Summer Hill record: 96.0 m (Jacqueline Seifriedsberger AUT, 2007-08-19, COC)
96.0 m (Daniela Iraschko-Stolz AUT, 2007-08-19, COC)
Inrun length: 81.1 m
Inrun angle: 35°
Take-off length: 6.7 m
Take-off angle: 11.4°
Take-off height: 3 m
Speed: 90.7 km/h
Landing angle: 36°
Hill certificate: Hill certificate
Coordinates: 47.416175, 13.655205 Google Maps OpenStreetMap


K-Point: 30 m
Coordinates: 47.417174, 13.654430 Google Maps OpenStreetMap
K-Point: 15 m
Coordinates: 47.417298, 13.654413 Google Maps OpenStreetMap
K-Point: 8 m
Plastic matting: no
Coordinates: 47.417440, 13.654378 Google Maps OpenStreetMap

Ramsauer Schanze:

K-Point: 35 m
Men Winter Hill record: 37.0 m (Fritz Nemetz AUT, 1934-03-11)
Plastic matting: no
Year of construction: 1932
Operating until: ca. 1939
Status: destroyed
Further jumps: no
Plastic matting: yes
Year of construction: 1995
Status: operating
Ski club: WSV Ramsau
Coordinates: 47.416175, 13.655205 Google Maps OpenStreetMap

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At short notice, a first 35-meter hill was built in Ramsau in March 1932 in order to host a competition that was planned at Schladming. In the same year, WSV Ramsau was founded and then organized further competitions there until World War II.
In 1995, the new normal hill was constructed and completed at Ramsau at Dachstein for the Nordic WSC in 1999. The only men's World Cup competition there was then held on 1998-01-11 and one year later Kazuyoshi Funaki became normal hill ski jumping world champion. Surprisingly, in both competitions three Japanese jumpers were in front. The W90 hill has been host of Nordic Combined World Cups almost every year.
Both plastic covered Minzelhofschanzen are located directly beside the WSC normal hill and are used for the education of young ski jumpers and Nordic Combined of WSV Ramsau. During winters, a K8 snow jump is also built. Furthermore, since 2013 there is a unique inrun testing track, the so-called Speed-Race.

Ramsau Center, which had been renewed for the Nordic World Championships 1999, is at the food of the Dachstein and is one of the most extraordinary and most impressing landscapes in Austria.
The Event-Centre can be reached over the federal street from Schladming to Ramsau (about 7 km). Next to it is the WC ski jumping stadium and the public swimming pool.

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Hill records K90 (Men):

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Hill records K90 (Women):

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5)   Artur   wrote on 2017-12-20 at 11:08:

Jarl Magnus Riiber - 104,5 m

Jarl Magnus Riiber (NOR) jumped enormous 104,5 m on Sunday's canlelled round, but unfortunately fell.

4)   Emu   wrote on 2016-01-17 at 11:08:


Wenn der Frauenrekord die Höchstweite auf dieser Schanze überhaupt ist und immer noch nicht als offizieller Rekord anerkannt wird, dann sollte der andere Rekord auch nur "Männerrekord" heißen.
Warum wird es so beschränkt, dass nur Männer und - wenn ich mich nicht irre - nur Spezialspringer offizielle Rekorde festsetzen können? Rekord ist Rekord, unabhängig von dem Geschlecht, Alter oder auch "Speialisierung" (Speialspringen/Kombi) des Athleten...

3)   craig ward   wrote on 2011-08-16 at 04:37:

Coach, Aspen Valley Ski and Snowboard Club

Do you have any nordic combined competitions this August, 2011?

2)   Manu   wrote on 2011-02-22 at 22:02:

Hill record ?!

The hill record is 102.0 m by Sara Takanashi.
Daito Takahashi have only the "Men record" with 101.0 m : can you fix it, and restore the truth?

1)   Marco   wrote on 2011-02-20 at 21:27:

Der Frauenrekord (102,0 m), der heute von Sara Takanashi im Rahmen des COC aufgestellt wurde, ist zugleich auch der offizielle Schanzenrekord. Bitte ändere dies in Deinen Daten.

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