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New mats system used for the outrun of a ski jumping hill for a first time

on 2011-07-13

In mid June the snow replacement "Skitrax JP", developed by Wolfgang Schmidt from Oberaudorf", celebrated its world premiere in the outrun of a ski jumping hill at Jämsänkoski in Finland. It shall at least make the same movements like in winter on snow possible!

For the first time in the history of a ski jumps, the newly developed plastic mats Skitrax JP was tested successfully by junior jumpers from Finland, Poland and Russia. This event took place on the newly renovated ski jumping hill (K45) in Jämsänkoski, Finland. The local ski club made an excellent job and presented the outrun in an excellent and secure shape.

The statements of the jumpers were euphoric: „1000 times better than grass or bark mulch,“ „Like snow,“ „real fun“ and „now I jump safely,“ „great, I glide up to the end“ and many more . The multiple youth champion of Finland Severi Tainio won on the hill and said in an interview: „I jumped like on snow - perfect“. Also the present, experienced coaches are surprised: „This is the future,“ „Are the jumpers feel safe,“ „may finally also in the summer are trained exactly the same movement as in the winter,“ „unbelievable, upright driving with the stop in the outlet air and summer“, „The young jumpers looked forward before jumping right on the outrun“. The mats from the jumping hill are coming from the Finnish company Conductio Oy. This systems combine perfectly with the new Skitrax JP mats and create a uniform slide from both systems for ski jumpers, said the Reijo Kuivikko, Managing Director of Conductio.

These innovative mats, a significant step towards improving for the individually safety and protection and of the uniform motion is heralded in the year-round training. „The mats also wear the material of the ski jumping ski at least 50% reduced,“ said Juhani Vilkkilä, Finnish coach and head of the Valley Ski Club Jämsänkoski. For training and testing the new mats on the ski jump hill in Jämsänkoski, a lot of national teams (including Russia, Finland) have signed up. The FIS certification for all Jumping Hills outrun has already been made! On request we are able to deliver this summer!

Oberaudorf, 2011, July, 05

Press release by
Skitrax World
Open Doors Creative Communications GmbH
Am Oberfeld 5
D-83080 Oberaudorf (Germany)

Ski Jumps:

FIN Jämsänkoski


Skitrax - Synthetic Snow Surface
Weltpremiere der SKITRAX JP für Skisprungschanzen
World premiere of SKITRAX JP for ski jumping hill outrun



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2)   gian suter   wrote on 2018-11-06 at 11:48:

Skitrax matten

Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren

Ich habe eine Frage?
Ich bin in der 3. Oberstufe und muss ein Projekt anfangen. Mein Projekt wäre etwas mit Ski. Da wir im Unterland wohnen bekommen wir keinen Schnee, für das bräuchten wir eine Skitrax Matte. ich wollte fragen ob Sie mir einen Guten Online Shop empfehlen könnten. Oder ob sie auch welche verkaufen würden?

Vielen Dank für Ihre Rückmeldung, PS: wenn möglich per E-Mail Antwort geben.

Herzliche Grüsse

Gian Suter

1)   Beck Hans   wrote on 2011-07-31 at 17:11:


Diesen Auslauf finde ich sehr gut.
Wie komme ich an Unterlagen?
Auch bei der Schanzenanlage des RWV Haselbach suchen wir nach einen neuen Auslauf.(Überfeldweg ca.4m bei K16-K30-K-50)
Schanzenwart Hans Beck

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