The large hill of Bischofshofen gets converted
on 2003-10-03
The location of the traditional Epiphany competition, the Paul-Ausserleitner-Schanze at Bischofshofen, is currently converted into a modern K125.
Since May 12, 2003, it is difficult to see something of the Paul-Außerleitner-Schanze in Bischofshofen.
The reason for that: To accomplish more attractive competitions, the FIS wanted the Ski-Club Bischofshofen to change the profile of the hill. In the course of the works, the hill-angle will reduce from 38 degrees to 36 degrees. A result of this, it shall be possible to make longer jumps. So the present hill record by Sven Hannawald will be broken at the last competition of the 4-hills-tournament 2003/2004.
After the conversion of the hill, new floodlights which are proper for television-broadcasts will be installed, to make the competitions for television-spectators even attractive than for the spectators in the Sepp-Bradl-Stadion.
Because of those measures, which shall be finished definitely until 6th of January 2004, the economic meaning of the Ski-Club Bischofshofen and also – naturally – the meaning of the ski jumping in the Austrian state Salzburg should be make sure.
Ski Jumps:

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