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Oslo prepares for suspected WSC 2011

on 2006-03-19

The planned conversions of the Holmenkollen at Oslo

In 1952 the Norwegian capital Oslo was host of the VI Olympic Winter Games, 1930, 1966 and for a last time in 1982 it hosted the skiing world championships of the Nordic disciplines. Always specialized ski jumpers and Nordic combined had used Holmenkollen, the oldest, most traditional and maybe the most well-known ski jumping hill of the world, furthermore Oslo’s landmark and pride. Also during the next large event, which shall take place at Oslo, the Nordic World Championships in 2011, the Holmenkollen shall play an important role as a competition site.

In order to be prepared for the struggle for the hosting against Zakopane and Val di Fiemme, the now a bit gotten in the tooth ski jumping hill needs to be renovated, so that the Norwegian people can celebrate the FIS congress on May 25 at Vilamoura in Portugal. Therefore in the past months many contrivers debates have taken place in the home country of ski jumping, lots of models were discussed and finally the winning scheme presented on March 13, which will only be realized if the Oslo bid for 2011 gets acceptance.

For 310 million crones (39 mill. €) the old inrun tower shall be removed and a new one built up, whereby the typical character of the jump shall be kept and “Norwegian” materials just like wood be taken. Furthermore the landing zone will be enlarged and graved 4 meters lower, so that the new hill will have a Hill Size of 136 m (now HS 128). Another point is that a new functional area shall be integrated in the artificial landing hill shortly after the takeoff and the complete hill will also be covered with plastic mattings. Further nearly 70 mill. crones (about 9 mill. €) will be invested into the infrastructure of the cross-country stadium at Holmenkollen. The conversion of the large hill ski jump would take place in several steps, in order to keep the yearly World Cup competition integrated in the Nordic Tournament running.

But the Holmenkollen is not the only ski jumping hill which needs to be renovated for the WSC in 2001, also the normal hill at Midtstuen, which was already used for the Olympics 1952 and the following world championships and is now dilapidated and not ready for jumping, would be rebuild again. For 75 mill. NOK (9.4 mill. €) five further small training ski jumping hills would be built beside the Midtstubakken-K90 at the other side of the Kollen, each one covered with plastic mattings for summer ski jumping.

Now there is just one question remaining about the financing of the new facilities, because the city of Oslo would like to spend maximum 70 mill. crones, the country should pay 50% or more – and, of course, the decision in may for or against another WSC at Oslo, because otherwise Oslo would have to lower its sights intense.

Ski Jumps:

NOR Oslo (Holmenkollen)
NOR Oslo (Midtstuen)



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